Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lots of good stuff!!!!!

Oh boy, I have lots of good stuff to show you today! First up is SAL Romantique. I am current on this one - I think there are three more installments. I may actually complete a SAL with the rest of the group!!!! Could it be??????

And then, what would a month be without a new start? This is Heart Note Alley, another project with the Sticklounge Group. This is on a scrap of 36 ct. Navy Bean. The fibers used so far are GLO Granny Smith Green , SNC Camoflauge, a Dinky Dyes sample, and Dinky Dyes Cabernet. I am totally in my element on this one - a purple and green floral band sampler - it's incredible I resisted starting this as long as I did!

Continuing to demonstrate my total lack of self-control, here is another new project (yea, but , this one is small and quick). I joined the Mystery SAL organized by Carol over at iStitch. Her designs are just great - elegant and simple - so very charming! My piece is done on 40 ct. Vintage Luna by Lakeside Linens using Belle Soie Creme de Menthe. When done, this piece will fit on a small box from Hobby Lobby. My box is on order - I'm planning the finishing technique for it. I used to do a bit of faux finishing - I may still have some sponges lying around - so I may do something interesting with it.

And, last but not least, two finished ornaments. I have lost track and am to lazy to look back at my stitching to see if these are July and August or August and September ornaments. At any rate, they are from the ornament preview issue of JCS. The first one is Two Years Worth of Calling Birds - I was intrigued by the name. I used the recommended fibers and linen.

And this one is Peace On Earth by MBT designs. I used the recommended fibers on a piece of 40 ct Antique White Newcastle linen.

I am really looking forward to the JCS Halloween special and the ornament special and the new Blackbird Designs book - as if I don't have enough to stitch!!!!

We have finally had some rain - yea! Now, I need to go out and do some tidying up in the yard (aka the deer dining hall).

Until next time, Margaret


Brigitte said...

So many beautiful SALs - you are a brave stitcher, lol. Your finished ornaments look absolutely great.

Jeanne said...

Looking great Margaret! That SAL Romantique is amazing - looks just like lace and I love your ornaments. I wish I could get more of them done for my tree.