Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wow! Almost 100 posts!

I just noticed that I am almost to 100 posts. I will celebrate by offering a giveaway - I have been cleaning out stash lately, and have a box of good stuff and not-so-good stuff - so I think it's time to send the good stuff to a loving home! So stay tuned for details...

In the meantime, here is part 2 of Purple Garden by Angie, which is a current SAL with the Sticklounge Group. I love the clean lines and the combination of "blackwork" with a few Quaker elements thrown in. Most stitchers are working on Part 4 now, so I am a little bit behind (no surprise, there!)

Spring is finally here in Maryland. Last night my son played his spring concert with the Peabody Youth Orchestra in Baltimore - one of their finest performances to date. I am not very knowledgeable about classical music, but I know what I like, and I certainly enjoyed their performance. Tonight he is playing in the orchestra for the Baltimore Cappies, the award ceremony for high school plays/musicals. My son's school is small, but they do a swell job in the drama department - so we are keeping our fingers crossed for some recognition.

Sadly, the poor neglected yard has to stay that way for another week -maybe next weekend it will get some attention. I'm sure the neighbors (with perfect yards) will be relieved.

Happy stitching! Margaret

1 comment:

Kathy A. said...

Congrats on almost reaching your first big milestone. Wont be long now.
Love your purple stitches - so very pretty.